Minnesota Association of Medical Staff Services (MAMSS) is a state-wide professional organization established in 1979 to provide a forum for education, networking, and camaraderie. MAMSS is an independent, non-profit association for Medical Staff Service Professionals.


MAMSS’s mission is to serve its members by providing continuing education and networking, working to improve professional knowledge and skills and supporting the profession and its national organization, NAMSS, in its efforts to promote professionalism and recognition for the Medical Staff Service Profession as a key member of the health care team.


Offer opportunities for professional growth, support and expansion of knowledge.

  • Encourage networking and sharing of information to assist members with their complex responsibilities.
  • Encourage and assist members in achieving and maintaining the national certification credential(s) sponsored by NAMSS.
  • Offer access to resources to update members regarding current credentialing and privilege topics.
  • Sponsor and present educational seminars and conferences.