Please join us April 24-25, 2025, for the 42nd Annual Conference of the Minnesota Association of Medical Staff Services! All conference activities will take place at the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West located in Plymouth.
The MAMSS Annual Conference is designed for Medical Staff Professionals, Managed Care Professionals, Centralized Verification Organization Professionals and Credentialing Specialists from across Minnesota and surrounding states.
Vendor Opportunities:
The 2025 Annual Conference is designed for Medical Staff Services Professionals, including Managed Care Professionals, Centralized Verification Organization Professionals, Credentialing Specialists, and Provider Enrollment Specialists from across Minnesota and the surrounding states.
Vendors will be provided with a 4×6 display table easily accessible to conference attendees. All other display fixtures, such as easels, are the responsibility of the vendor. Vendors will be recognized during the conference. Vendor hours are Thursday, 7:00am-5:00pm and Friday, 7:00am-12:30pm.
Vendors are also invited to stay on site for lunch on Thursday and participate in the Social Hour event.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
The 2025 conference will focus on the topics of interest to hospital, managed care and clinic medical staff services professionals. To ensure a valuable educational opportunity for members and to say thank you to your MSPs, we would like to offer you the opportunity to join the 2025 Sponsors Club. Your donation will allow MAMSS to bring in excellent speakers and deliver this conference at an affordable rate to members. Your corporate name, logo, and organizational statement will be listed in the official conference program.
To register as a Vendor and/or Sponsor for this year’s MAMSS Conference, please complete the below form by March 1, 2025. If you prefer to pay by check, or have any questions regarding the conference, please contact Meredee, MAMSS Volunteer, at or 612-870-5425. You may also wish to reach out to email MAMSS at
Thank you in advance for your willingness to help MAMSS continue offering high educational programs. We hope to see you at the conference!
Meredee Ollrich, CPCS
MAMSS Volunteer
Phone: 612-870-5425
Keri Pruette, CPCS
President, Minnesota Association of Medical Staff Services